Complaint management
“Declaration of Services for Victims of Criminal Offenses”
La Maison d’aide et d’hébergement l’Accalmie is committed to providing quality services. However, since June 2022, it has acquired a declaration of services for victims of criminal offences. This declaration informs victims of the organization's commitments as well as a system for complaints, if applicable. This declaration is governed by the Act to assist persons who are victims of criminal offences and to facilitate their recovery. This law puts the victim at the heart of the judicial process and allows them to resume their lives’.
You can consult the declaration of services by clicking on the following link:
Act to modernize legislative provisions as regards the protection of personal information in the private sector (Bill 25)
Person responsible for the protection of personal information
Accalmie Women’s Shelter is an organization subject to the Act modernizing the legislative provisions as regards the protection of personal information in the private sector (also called Law 25), which requires that a person be designated as the person responsible for the protection of personal information to ensure compliance and implementation of the Act.
To this effect, Accalmie Women’s Shelter has designated Ms. Linda Turbide as responsible for the protection of personal information:
Responsible for the protection of personal information:
Ms. Linda Turbide, General Coordinator
C.P. 8187 Cap-aux-Meules
Cap-aux-Meules, G4T 1R3
You can download our Privacy and Protection of Personal Information Policy by clicking on the following link:
Policy on confidentiality and protection of personal information